
Nostalgia nugget

These guys have been grinding away, playing what Pitchfork dubbed their “Poco meets the Faces sound” (a heady brew for sure) since, well, since my Minneapolis residency, post-college, in the early-to-mid 80s.By a striking coincidence this video time warps to that very era, in a rusted vintage Gremlin with mag wheels and a Mondale/Ferraro sticker. Pull up to the 7th Street Entry festooned with Black Flag posters, cutting footage of the band back in the day with their current bad selves.To adore this video as much as I do … Maybe you need to have aching nostalgia for the time, the place, and maybe you don’t. But the song is cool as hell imo.As a more general concept, nostalgia during a quarantine year (years?!) becomes almost unbearably powerful, I find.

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